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Hello! Your 🧚‍♂️  internet godmother is unable to disclose identifiable information as that would eliminate the magic! Also, as a working professional, I want to maintain my anonymity. While I may change this decision in the future (never say never), I also want this site to be a collection of those lessons that I learned without a filter that may color the writing. So, what can I share with you – a lot! Here are a few facts about me:

  • I graduated from law school and passed the bar.
  • I am a person of color.
  • I love anything spicy and can’t get enough of Indian food.
  • I love to wake up early to get a run in before work.
  • I really try to enjoy every day.
  • My favorite color is blue.

I had some great mentors that taught me many of the lessons found in this site. Other lessons came from a place of pain or disappointment, but that doesn’t remove the importance of those lessons. Finding a professional woman of color to mentor you and be a sounding board can be tough, but we are out there! So, in the meantime, I hope to empower you (I will call you my internet godchildren) with my mistakes and successes. This path is a journey, and I am always learning too! Feel free to reach out because I am here for you.